Supply List – Betty Carr



Alizarin Crimson

Antwerp Blue

Raw Sienna

Permanent Rose

Windsor Rd

Cobalt Blue

Manganese Blue

Cadmium Orange

Carr Yellow (American Journey)

Cadmium Yellow Light

Lemon Yellow


Sap Green

Quinacridone Burnt Prang

Cadmium Scarlet

Opaque White

HB Pencil, gum eraser

Paper of Choice: 12”x16” or larger. Betty uses 140lb cold press Arches

Brushes: Bring your favorites. #8, #10, #12 rounds plus a couple of smaller rounds; 1” – ½” Flats for washes; palette knife for scratching details. A couple of small Fritch brushes or small stiff brushes for lifting edges.

Misc: Liquid frisket, spray bottle, paper towels, salt, rubber cement pickup, masking tape, small bar of soap, toothbrush

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