There should be no need to purchase any materials that you wouldn’t be using normally to paint with acrylics. The following is primarily a guide to help you think through what would be helpful in the workshop. Paint Colors: I recommend a fairly limited palette but bring as many as you like. 2 oz. tubes of any of the major brands are satisfactory. However, I recommend avoiding the “Student” or “Academy Grades”.
Titanium white
Cad Yellow Light
Cad Yellow Medium
Alizarin Crimson
Cadmium Red Medium
Other Materials:
Bring several source photos so that I can help you select the best ones and what to look for in a photo.
Painting Surface:
If you painting acrylic as opaque you will need at least 2 cotton canvases, gessoed masonite boards, or panels for each day of the workshop. I would recommend nothing larger than 12×16. Larger than this may be difficult to complete in one session. If you prefer paper or watercolor board , at least 140 watercolor paper is best. A water color block works well for plein air.
Any portable easel or tripod to which you can securely attach your canvas or panel is sufficient. The Julian or French type portable easel is ideal and economical. The French easel is more flexible in that it can store more supplies and serve as a very useful studio easel for larger paintings. We have extra easels for your use if you are traveling by plane. Just ask.
Flats and Filberts (small, medium and large). Sizes #2, #4, #6 or #4, #6, #8 are convenient sizes and perhaps one #12 flat for laying in large areas.
Rounds. At least a couple of small rounds for detail work.
It is recommended that you have the above brushes in both soft and stiff bristles.
I recommend the largest size Masterson Sta-Wet Palette (12.x16). There are also smaller Masterson Palettes that would work fine, esp. for plein air.
Sketch book (approx. 6″x9″), apron, palette knife, small sponge, rags or paper towels, vine charcoal, 12″ or 18″ ruler, disposable rubber gloves if you like to keep your hands clean, two wide mouth water containers.
Burnt Sienna
Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt and/or Cerulean Blue Deep
Yellow Ochre
Hookers Green and/or Sap Green
Golden retarder in bottle to slow down the fast drying acrylic paints especially for plein air (optional)
If using Golden “open” (slow drying) acrylics, be sure to get a bottle of “open” thinner.
If plein air workshop:
Most of the work will be on location but also bring photographs from which to paint in case of weather problems. I also recommend insect repellent, suntan lotion, 1 or 2 portable water jugs for drinking and cleaning brushes, long sleeves and a broad brimmed hat. An umbrella to shade you and your easel is recommended. Umbrellas that can attach to your easel or staked in the ground are best. Almost all art supplies should be available at local art supply stores but some may be only available at large mail order art suppliers as those below:
ASW (Art Supply Warehouse) – 800-995-6778
Jerry’s Artarama – 800-827-8478
Dick Blick Art Materials – 800-621-8293
Pearl – 800-451-7327
Utrecht – 800-223-9132
Artisan / Santa Fe – 800-331-6375
If you haven’t already, I would suggest that you call and get catalogs from all of the above.
Call me if you have any questions about preparation or supplies for the class.
My home phone which has an answering machine is 505-473-1098.
The phone number at my studio is 505-795-4639
Home Studio:
6961 Golden Mesa
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507
Mike Mahon Art 2012©