David Shevlino – Supply List

Supply List
Brushes Filberts, flats of varying sizes. Avoid soft synthetic brushes and brights. For stiff synthetics I recommend Rosemary Ivory series.
For a natural bristle, any good quality manufacturer will do. (Robert Simmons, Silver brush, Windsor Newton etc.) Bring at least 2 brushes (one ¾” and one 1” wide)
Medium: refined linseed oil, but not cold-pressed (NO STAND OIL)
Odorless mineral spirits for rinsing/cleaning brushes
Rags or paper towels
Palette AT LEAST 11 x 14 or bigger
Neutrally toned gray canvas or panel: -panel/canvas size range 14 x 18 to 16 x 20 inches. You can use Liquitex neutral gray #5
1-2 canvases/panels for each day of the workshop
Paint cups or old cans NOTE: Bring jars or cans for your thinner at least 3” in diameter Jar with lid for used paint thinner.
Oil colors:
Titanium white
Cadmium red light or equivalent
Cadmium orange or equivalent
Burnt sienna
Yellow ochre
Alizarin Crimson
Ultramarine blue
Cadmium yellow light
Viridian green
Azo Green- M Graham
Raw umber
